Sunday, May 30, 2010


auditory hallucinations? but    not new data:
just a    synthesis:    of raw     data
by an    external      entity?
arriving for me as
of inference and
such that:
i hear        the apocalypse  unfold embrace --
then      wwvving boom speaks
and reveals Taormha --
my eyes are
forrrr ittt...

my fingers...

my fingers in counsel with this cigarette,
  dry veins of a grape leaf
      crackling             in the
           dark --
spheres of potential energy
   between two dimensional gyric disks,
   in their wake,    at their
                                       intersection --
a calling,
a mandate,
i follow,

Friday, May 28, 2010

cloud city pantheon

the faces of gods
appear before me:
YHWH, Krsna, Mao,
gaurdian lions and tigers
playful sentient clouds
laughing and greeting --
           ॐ woven into the sky,
          though we stood behind Her,
                             rolled beneath Her;
          among the heavens and hosts
                        temples and tabernacles,
                        { O } first stern,
               til I give myself to the Way
                          and the ε¥ε softened
                          and glowed
                          and Loved endlessly
                                into and through me --
together, a library pantheon of deities,
                 a scripture of ancient tones...
         a transcription of the waves of ॐ
                crashing on the quiet sands
                of our everblossom